September 23, 2014

"The Crew" Page #1

WARNING: The Following is a Continuing Story Arc, And May End in a Cliffhanger:

The day was January 30, the day that Buck asked me the question.
“Hey Jack, do you believe in dragons?”
What the hell? Do I believe in dragons? I was just sitting on the bench under the old oak, just like I did every recess. Buck was never in sight unless I wanted him to be. He was always coming up with these schemes that almost never worked. Our almost constant victim was my second best friend, Brandon Dawson. Actually, to be fair, Buck and Brandon were tied for second. My real best friend was Anthony Martensen, but he’s not important… and by that I mean to the story! He’s very important in his own way!

“Do I believe in dragons?” I repeated.
“It depends on what kind, like Wyverns or what? It really depends on the kind of dragon you're referring to. ”
“Like any kind.”
“Then no. Can’t say I believe in any kind of dragon. Why?”
“Oh, no reason.”
Whenever he said this, he would always be trying to get my attention. It never worked though. I would just simply ignore this tactic.
“What is it??” I cracked like 2 seconds after his tactic… It’s a great tactic.
“Well I was just searching the web a couple of days ago and found something interesting…”
He was very intriguing when he wanted to be.
“What did you find?” I asked, desperately hoping he wouldn’t say porn.

“Well I was Googling magic and found something pretty cool.”


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