September 25, 2014

"The Crew" Page #2

WARNING: The Following is a Continuing Story Arc, And May End in a Cliffhanger:

“Why were you Googling magic?”
“Not important. What is important is what I found: there’s this website called”
“Why is that important?”
“It’s a website that has spells and potions and shit! We can be magicians!”
“First off, magicians are lame; wizards are where it’s at. Secondly, you can’t believe anything you read on the internet.”
By the way, this is based on a true story.
“No seriously, check this out!” Buck said, reaching into his tattered back pack. He pulled out a binder that read: Spell Book. It was rather empty, only having about 5 pieces of paper in it.
“What’s that?”
“This is what I call: The Spell Book…”
As he lifted up the binder, the glitter glue sparkled in the light of the sun.
“What the hell is that?”
“This, my boy, is The Spell Bo-“
“Yea but what is it?” I interrupted.
“Well I knew you’d be skeptical so I went ahead and printed out a few spells and made my math binder into this Spell Book.”
“What about your math binder?”
“Hmmm… Don’t care. Anyways, would you like to see me spawn fire or spawn a woodland creature?”
“Well seeing as though we are at school and are surrounded by a hundred kids, I would kinda prefer a squirrel over the death of many.”

“Okee dokee, behold!” he said, as he flipped through the Spell Book. He started to read some Latin sounding gibberish that went something like this:
“Inamabilis sciurus loqui maleficis” 

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