More pages coming soon...
That day in math was uneventful… at least I think it was… I wasn't really paying attention to the teacher. Not that that wasn't usual for me, or the entire class for that matter. I just couldn't stop thinking about the squirrel. It was so strange… Where could it have come fr-
“Hey Jack.”
That’s when I lost track of
that thought.
“Hey Brooke,” I
said shyly.
“Do you know what Mrs.
Hetrick is talking about? I've kind of been zoning out,” she said through a light blush.
“No, sorry, I’ve been thinking about stuff…”
“Okay, I’ll just ask Luke
“No don’t!” I
blurted out of nowhere. Luke also had a crush on Brooklyn. I knew by the glance
he gave her every now and then. This alone didn't make me nervous; it was the
glance that she returned to him.
“Why don’t you ask Sami? She’s closer,” I suggested. I knew Sami was paying attention. What
squirrels could she possibly be zoning out over?
“Okay then…” she said, as she turned to Sami, “Hey, are you Sami?” and that was the beginning of Brooke and Sami’s long lasting friendship.
Ah, Brooklyn. Her beauty was
only matched by her sweet yet shy personality.
“Hey you, Jack, What’s the solution to this equation?” asked Mrs. Hetrick, interrupting my fantasizing of Brooke.
“Umm, 2. No 4!”
“Close… it’s actually 1/2B².”
“Oh sorry… forgot to carry the one…”
<PAGE 5>
“Have you been paying attention at all?”
“I am shocked, Mrs. Hetrick! Appalled even.”
“What lesson am I teaching?”
“Okay you got me there…”
“Get out of my classroom, Jack,” she said calmly.
As I pathetically walked out of that classroom, I wandered over to the computer lab a few classrooms over, which was conveniently unlocked. I quickly scurried to the furthest computer in the dark room. The only thing guiding my steps were the glowing power-buttons of the cheap, malfunctioning computers.
My blinded journey to the furthest row (there were like 6 rows of 4 computers in each… it was a very small computer lab) was finally completed. As I sat down in the worn out “wheelie-chair,” I quickly logged into the student account with the generic “student@101” password. In a flash of slight head turning, I checked the time. 2:40; still 20 minutes left.
I double-clicked Google Chrome and typed in: It sent me to a sketchy looking website, and the font they used was none other than the epitome of repulsive fonts: papyrus. I freaking hate papyrus! What if I typed the rest of the story with papyrus? That would suck, right? The website wa- sorry, the font was stuck on papyrus. Won't happen again. So anyways, the website was accompanied by a boastful slogan, bragging about their “largest wizarding community in North America.” It didn’t look like there was much competition in that department.
As I scrolled through the categories of “spells” listed on the website, one caught my eye: Love Spells. I clicked the link, which sent to an even larger list of subcategories. Commitment Spells; no, Erotic Spells; not what I’m looking for, Sexual Spells; god, wizards are pervs! Ah, here we go: Attraction Spells!
I clicked “Attraction Spells” and found myself at the beginning of a very long list of user submitted “spells”. I clicked the first spell, which was titled, “Love Potion N.9,” an obvious reference to the 1992 romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock. I printed it out proceeded to wait for the fastest printer the school could afford… Sadly the school couldn't afford much.
<PAGE 6>
The bell rang, as my heart heavily beat to the ear ringing sound of the intercom feedback. Damn school grade computers! They never get the time right!
<PAGE 6>
As I waited for the slowest printer I’d ever encountered in my travels, I immediately silenced my impatient tapping of the fingers. There was a noise coming from outside of the classroom. I knew the noise was none other than the loud footsteps of 27 uncivilized 7th graders.
The bell rang, as my heart heavily beat to the ear ringing sound of the intercom feedback. Damn school grade computers! They never get the time right!
I quickly grabbed the unfinished printed list of ingredients and ran to the back door as fast as I could. The dark room suddenly lit up with the arrival of impatient middleschoolers. I couldn’t make it to the door in time, so I dove under the nearest desk in the front row. The entire computer lab was filled with the loud gossip of 7th graders in a matter of seconds.
So there I was, surrounded by the loud forces of Satan’s Army (the 7th graders) with no obvious way out. My heart beat even louder than the irritating chatter of the children around me. Suddenly, the entire class was dead silent. All of the kids took their seats, and I had to make my way to the back door before the teacher got in.
The students quickly rushing to their assigned seats provided a very measly cover for about 3 seconds before I heard the raspy voice of old Ms. Knickerson.
“Sit down and shut up…” croaked the rough voice of the aging teacher.
I couldn’t quite make it to the door in time, so I slyly made my way behind the conveniently placed curtain, which covered the dark room from the shining sun. Finally safe behind the curtain, I quickly hopped out of the opened window and found myself lying on the ground breathing intensely. Out of nowhere, I started hysterically laughing, as the sweat of my intense escape dripped down my forehead. I could’t believe it; I made it out of the classroom without anyone noticing me.
“Who just jumped out of the window?” I heard, coming from the computer lab. With that, I ran as fast as I could to my next class: Art.
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